Membership is a very good option for those who wish to train regularly in the tunnel while benefiting from a good price and multiple additional advantages. If you have never heard of such a thing, it would be like going to the gym, paying a monthly fee in exchange for a certain number of minutes.

Who can join the membership? Anyone who has already flown for the first time in the wind tunnel.

Which membership is best for me? We have different types of memberships that include different prices and amounts of tunnel time. You can choose the one that suits you best. Keep in mind that the higher the number of minutes, the more profitable the price per minute. Likewise, the more minutes, the more advantages are offered.

To see what benefits are included, you can download the membership contract where all the details and conditions are explained.


Even so, all memberships include two 10-minute time-share huckjams with instructor TOTALLY FREE.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone +34 930 022 700 or by mail (hello@windoor.cat).

If you are convinced, all you have to do is return us the signed member ship contract  and the sepa contract, which regularizes the monthly payment of the membership fee.



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Contact us!
Email : hello@windoor.cat
Situation :
Stadium RCD Espanyol - Av. del Baix Llobregat, 100, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.