2'    1    2
Included : e-voucher by email

Discover the sensations of indoor skydiving and live the experience of flying in total safety! Our WIND2 offer with 2 flights for 1 person, includes:

  • Theoretical lesson
  • Equipment (overall, helmet, goggles)
  • 2 flights
  • Flight diploma
  • Instructor exhibition

*You can book the whole week.

3'    1    3
Included : e-voucher by email

Discover the sensations of indoor skydiving and live the experience of flying in total safety! Our WIND3 offer with 3 flights for 1 person, includes:

  • Theoretical class
  • Equipment (overall, helmet, goggles)
  • 3 flights
  • Flight diploma
  • Instructor exhibition

*Bookings all the week.

4'    1    4
Included : e-voucher by email

Discover the sensations of indoor skydiving and live the experience of flying in total safety! Our WIND4 offer with 4 flights for 1 person, includes:

  • Theoretical class
  • Equipment (overall, helmet, goggles)
  • 4 flights
  • Flight diploma
  • Instructor exhibition

*Bookings all the week.

10'    1    10
Included : e-voucher by email, All your Video & Photos

We recommend that you choose this option after you have had your first experience with one of our WIND 2/3/4, although it is not essential.

Flying in the tunnel is an activity in which you progress very quickly and with this pack you will learn to fly with one of our instructors. Flying time is 10' for 1 person, includes:

  • Training planning
  • Equipment (suit, helmet, goggles)
  • Theoretical lesson
  • Flights with instructor coaching
  • Instructor's exhibition
  • Videos and photos of the session
  • Training analysis with the instructor


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In WINDOOR the dream of flying comes true

Contact us!
Email : hello@windoor.cat
Situation :
Stadium RCD Espanyol - Av. del Baix Llobregat, 100, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.

Get your pictures and videos